Monday, March 2, 2009

Cymbidium in Bloom

In sunny zone 10 my cymbidium is kicking into high-gear. One spike is opening up and the other one is waiting in the wings.

Nearly all the blooms on the first spike are starting to open.

I love the creamy color combo.


  1. Beautiful Cymbidiums! Nice Blog, I sometimes feel that I am the only indoor Gardener and all the other blogs are all outdoor.. well, it's nice to see others likes to grow indoor too!

  2. Beautiful, what lovely colours.

  3. Such a wonderful flowers that grow indoor! Do you use white? Thanks for sharing.

  4. Joseph- unfortunately this cymbidium plant is an outdoor one and resides on my balcony - but I am fairly sure a cymbidium could grow indoor with the proper lighting. I give it maybe 1/8th of a teaspoon of generic orchid fertilizer with every watering (once a week or so).


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